Compliance & Statutory

Compliance & Statutory

The role of compliance and self-regulation is a very important part of Rashmi Metaliks. We truly believe that better organisations are created when compliances are met and that excellent organisations such as Rashmi Metaliks are created when meeting compliances is the corner stone of business operations.

The top management with over 55 years of business experience understands the true value of compliance and one of the most important jobs of line managers, the departmental heads and the top management is to ensure that all compliance policies are adhered to strictly and completely in all the offices and production units of Rashmi Metaliks.

We sincerely believe in not just meeting, but also exceeding the compliances placed by the Government or by our own self.

This is very important in fostering a safe place to conduct business operations. A safe work place goes a very long way in reassuring the employees as well and this in the end keeps the employees motivated.

Central to the compliance policy followed by us is the zero-degree compromise rule we follow for EHS, i.e., Environmental Health & Safety. In fact, we have a separate EHS team that not only trains people on how to comply with the EHS rules, but also doubles up as a Crisis Management Team, which will swiftly spring into action to mitigate any losses that may take place in case an adverse scenario arises.

The 3R EHS policy of Rashmi Metaliks is an industry standard in itself and is followed by many other players from the same industry. The 3Rs are Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. We are passionate about ensuring a safe and clean environment – not just to our employees, neighbors and vendors/ partners, but so also for the entire community at large.

Rashmi Metaliks has itself set stringent parameters for all effluents, while we follow the Government mandates. We regularly share our statistics with the Pollution Control Board and other stakeholders.