Even though Iron Ore is the most important raw material used to produce steel. However, it cannot be used as it is in the blast furnace and it is here where we find the usage of Sinter in converting iron into steel.
Rashmi Metaliks set its own Sinter Plant in 2007 so as to have complete control over this important ingredient so as to provide world class product.
It all begins in the Sinter plant where a mixture of fine-grained iron ore, ferriferous recuperation materials and fluxes are baked in a conveyor belt which is fueled by gases of blast furnace. As this mixture is heated using burners located on top, the movement of conveyor belt sucks away the air from the mixture. As the entire layer gets combusted at 1300 to 1400 degree centigrade, the temperature rises.
In the end, when the burning process ends, sinter cake is discharged on a crash-deck. It is then crushed and is cooled down before being size screened.
The Sinter produced by Rashmi Metaliks which is small and has irregular nodules contains iron mixed with other materials which lends it the perfect chemical composition so as to be charged in a blast furnace.